Understanding Australian Direction No. 106 for Visas

Monday 18 March 2024
This guide explains Direction No. 106, which outlines the Australian Government's criteria for assessing student and student guardian visa applications. It emphasizes the importance of genuine intent, comprehensive documentation, and transparency for a successful visa application process.
Understanding Australian Direction No. 106 for Visas

Detailed Guide to Understanding Direction No. 106 for Australian Student Visa and Student Guardian Visa Applications

Direction No. 106 serves as an essential framework established by the Australian Government, setting forth the parameters for assessing the authenticity of individuals applying for student visas (Subclass 500) and student guardian visas. This detailed guide will delve into the intricacies of this direction, providing prospective applicants and stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of its implications and requirements.

Introduction to Direction No. 106

  • Purpose: The direction is intended to guide decision-makers in evaluating whether applicants for student visas and student guardian visas are genuine in their intent to study or accompany a student to Australia.
  • Effective Date: It applies to applications made on or after 23 March 2024, aligning with the Australian Government's efforts to refine the student visa program.

Scope of Application

  • Applicability: The direction concerns Subclass 500 (Student) visa applications and student guardian visa applications, including those reviewed by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
  • Decision-makers: It is directed at officials who are responsible for assessing these applications, ensuring a uniform standard of evaluation across the board.

Assessment Criteria Explained

The document outlines several key areas that decision-makers are instructed to evaluate, ensuring that each applicant's intentions are genuinely aligned with the visa's purpose:

  1. Applicant's Circumstances:

    • Home Country Connections: The depth of the applicant's ties to their home country, including family, employment, and community connections, is scrutinized. These ties could influence the applicant's intent to return after their studies.
    • Economic and Social Factors: Economic conditions, military service obligations, and any existing political or civil unrest in the home country are considered to assess if the applicant has compelling reasons to leave their home country beyond education.
  2. Potential Circumstances in Australia:

    • Knowledge and Research: The applicant's understanding of their proposed course, the educational institution, and life in Australia is assessed. This includes the extent of research conducted into their future studies and living arrangements.
    • Visa Utilization: There's a focus on ensuring that the visa is not being used as a means to maintain ongoing residence in Australia under the guise of studying.
  3. Value of the Course to the Applicant's Future:

    • Career Relevance: How the chosen course aligns with the applicant's past education and future career objectives is crucial. The course should logically contribute to enhancing their employment prospects either in their home country or elsewhere.
    • Expected Outcomes: The potential benefits, including expected employment and remuneration possibilities post-completion of the course, are evaluated to ascertain the course's value to the applicant's future.
  4. Immigration History:

    • Past Applications and Travel: Previous visa applications to Australia and other countries, along with the applicant's travel history, are reviewed to identify patterns of compliance or concern.
    • Visa Compliance: Compliance with visa conditions during previous stays in Australia or other countries is carefully considered to gauge the likelihood of adherence to visa conditions for the applied visa.
  5. Considerations for Minors:

    • Guardian Intentions: For minor applicants, the intentions of parents or legal guardians are scrutinized to ensure the child's primary reason for travel is education.
  6. Other Relevant Factors:

    • Educational Engagement: Decision-makers examine the applicant's previous educational engagement, including course completion, participation in assessments, and any erratic educational history.
    • Authenticity of Relationships: Particularly for secondary applicants, the genuineness of relationships and their relevance to the visa application is assessed to rule out any potential for visa misuse.

Implications for Applicants

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Applicants are encouraged to provide detailed and substantiated documentation supporting their intent to study or accompany a student, demonstrating clear ties to their home country and a well-researched plan for their stay in Australia.
  • Evidence of Genuine Intent: Providing evidence of genuine intent to pursue education or accompany a student, such as letters of motivation, detailed study plans, and proof of ties to the home country, can significantly bolster an application.
  • Transparency and Consistency: Ensuring that all provided information is consistent and transparent across the application and supporting documents is crucial for a favorable assessment.


Understanding and adhering to the criteria set out in Direction No. 106 is vital for prospective student visa and student guardian visa applicants. By demonstrating a genuine intention to study or accompany a student, aligned with the direction's comprehensive assessment criteria, applicants can enhance their prospects of a successful visa application, thereby facilitating their educational and personal aspirations in Australia.

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