Piggery Farm Worker (ANZSCO 842315)

Monday 13 November 2023


The occupation of a Piggery Farm Worker (ANZSCO 842315) is an important role in the agricultural industry in Australia. Piggery farm workers are responsible for the care and management of pigs in a farm setting. They play a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of the animals, as well as maintaining the overall operations of the farm.

Job Duties

Piggery farm workers have a range of responsibilities that contribute to the successful operation of a pig farm. Some of their main duties include:

  • Feeding and watering pigs on a regular schedule
  • Cleaning and maintaining pig pens and equipment
  • Monitoring the health and behavior of pigs
  • Administering medications and vaccinations as required
  • Assisting with breeding and birthing processes
  • Managing waste disposal systems
  • Ensuring compliance with animal welfare regulations

Skills and Qualifications

To work as a piggery farm worker in Australia, certain skills and qualifications are typically required. These may include:

  • Experience working with animals, particularly pigs
  • Knowledge of pig behavior and husbandry practices
  • Physical fitness and the ability to perform manual labor
  • Good communication and teamwork skills
  • Basic understanding of farm machinery and equipment
  • A valid driver's license

Working Conditions

Piggery farm workers often work long hours, including weekends and public holidays. The work can be physically demanding and may involve exposure to various weather conditions. It is important for workers to follow strict hygiene and safety protocols to ensure their own well-being and the health of the pigs.

Salary and Career Outlook

The salary of a piggery farm worker can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and the size of the farm. According to the Australian Government's Job Outlook website, the average weekly wage for an agricultural worker, which includes piggery farm workers, is around AUD 1,040. The career outlook for piggery farm workers in Australia is stable, with opportunities for growth and advancement within the industry.


The occupation of a piggery farm worker is an important and rewarding role in the Australian agricultural industry. These workers play a vital role in ensuring the health and well-being of pigs, as well as the overall success of pig farms. With the right skills and qualifications, individuals can pursue a fulfilling career in this field. If you are interested in becoming a piggery farm worker, it is recommended to explore further resources and opportunities in the agricultural sector.

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