Health Professionals (ANZSCO 25)

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Health Professionals (ANZSCO 25) play a crucial role in developing health care programs and policies, conducting tests, diagnosing and treating physical and physiological disorders, and providing nursing care, advice, and counseling to patients. Their main objective is to maintain, promote, and restore good health and ensure safe and healthy working environments.

Indicative Skill Level:

Most occupations within the Health Professionals category require a bachelor's degree or higher qualification. In some cases, relevant experience and on-the-job training may be necessary in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Tasks Include:

  • Examining patients to establish the nature of their complaint and performing or ordering diagnostic procedures.
  • Selecting and administering appropriate treatment, medication, and therapy.
  • Prescribing prosthetic and corrective devices.
  • Providing remedial therapy, rehabilitation, and nursing care.
  • Advising on individual, community, and population health measures, health promotion, and safe working environments.


Health Professionals can be further categorized into the following subgroups:

251 Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals

Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals specialize in conducting health assessments, screenings, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. They play a crucial role in identifying and preventing diseases through early detection and education.

252 Health Therapy Professionals

Health Therapy Professionals are responsible for providing various therapeutic treatments to individuals with physical, mental, or emotional disorders. They use a range of techniques to improve their patients' overall well-being and quality of life.

253 Medical Practitioners

Medical Practitioners, including doctors and surgeons, diagnose and treat illnesses, injuries, and medical conditions. They may specialize in specific areas such as general practice, surgery, pediatrics, or psychiatry.

254 Midwifery and Nursing Professionals

Midwifery and Nursing Professionals provide essential care to pregnant women, new mothers, and newborns. They offer support during pregnancy, assist with labor and delivery, and provide postnatal care. Nursing professionals also play a vital role in various healthcare settings, ensuring optimal patient care and recovery.

With their expertise and dedication, Health Professionals contribute significantly to the well-being of individuals, communities, and the overall healthcare system in Australia.

Sub-Major Groups

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