ICT Professionals (ANZSCO 26)

Tuesday 7 November 2023

ICT Professionals perform a wide range of tasks to support the efficient and secure provision of information and communication technology (ICT) services in Australia. This occupation is crucial for government, commercial, industrial organizations, and individuals.

Indicative Skill Level:

Most ICT Professionals in Australia have a skill level commensurate with a bachelor's degree or higher qualification. However, relevant experience of at least five years and/or vendor certification can substitute for formal qualifications. In some cases, additional on-the-job training or experience may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Tasks Include:

  • Developing and documenting strategies, policies, and procedures related to the use of ICT technologies and services.
  • Planning, analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, testing, operating, maintaining, and assisting with the use of technologies and services that enable the access, networking, storage, processing, transformation, manipulation, and transmission of information (such as voice, image, and data) over various media.
  • Assessing the performance of ICT technologies and services, identifying limitations and inefficiencies, and recommending and implementing solutions.
  • Providing troubleshooting and service support to diagnose, resolve, and correct problems associated with the use of ICT technologies and services.


The ICT Professionals occupation is further categorized into the following subcategories:

ICT Professionals play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of ICT infrastructure and services in Australia. Their expertise ensures the efficient and secure operation of information and communication technology systems across various sectors. With their skills and knowledge, ICT Professionals contribute to the growth and advancement of the digital landscape in the country.

Sub-Major Groups

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